Superstition or potent energy?
The Western "scientific" viewpoint has worked to eliminate the unexplanable natural and magical aspects of life by casting them aside to the rank of mere superstition. And whilst our modern societies have managed to "control" epidemics and natural disasters for a time, we are now faced to the fragile nature of our condition and the limited solutions of science.
Amulets are mentioned in the chapter on behavior and lifestyle of the Gyu Shi oral tantra (collection of medicinal teachings from the Tibetan tradition). Human life, similar to a candle's flame, can be blown off at any time. Among the various advice given, wearing amulets is like going about with a miniature bodyguard, an invisible companion bringing encouragement, support and protection in the various areas of life: travel, study, marriage, .....
The Vedic astrological tradition also uses stones as talismans to remedy the deficiencies, harmful aspects from negativ planetary influences in the birth chart of the consultant.
The invisible companion ....
grigri you are so friendly....

How do they work?
An amulet is an object whose presence or contact generates a force field in which changes can take place. This property comes from either its particular nature, or through accumulation of subtle information sealed within. It then generates an unbreachable energy field, its energy signature, its activ potential.
It does not however operate as a substitute for your own inner work but mobilizes the potential in your subtle architecture or of the site where it is placed.
Natural virtues:
These qualities are in the nature of the object itself:
precious or semi precious stone
some plants or minerals
naga eyes, dzi, etc ....
its place of origin: holy places, vortex, temple
their unusual shape relating to a deity or a deva
pattern or template
Accumulated virtues:
amulets with sacred holy texts, sutras
blessed, mantrified during rituals, puja, spiritual practices
containing rilbu, precious substances from great spiritual masters
precious pills: herbs, minerals and alchemical practices

One-off help or life companion
Depending on the imbalance or the problem which you want to address, the impetus the amulet brings may be necessary in the short or long term. So it may be recommended to wear one for a certain period of time, a year or a season in order to balance the humors/ dosa or for whole parts or your life to counteract negative astrological influences related to your birth chart or your karma.
An amulet is prescribed by:
a Vedic or Tibetan astrology consultant
a Sache consultant (Tibetan geomancy)
a Nagpa (mantratherapy practitioner)
an Amshi (Tibetan doctor)
a Lama, yogi or spiritual guide
Their usage vary according to the 4 activities traditionally applied in Buddhist practices of pacification, increase, control and destruction themselves linked to the 4 elements. To these we can add the underlying activities of manifestation and dissolution corresponding to the ether element. They are:
protection of social activities (travel, commercial endeavors, ...)
pacification of karmic problems
pacification of medical, psychological problems
corrections of bad astrological aspects
pregnancy project
protection against epidemics or natural disasters
protection from accidents, attacks
increased vital energy, improved health
support in studies, for exams
etc ....
How do we use it?
To be most effective, an amulet must be in direct contact with you or placed in your immediate surroundings, in a wallet, hung on the wall of the house or above the front door. If it is a jewel, it is worn around the neck, as a ring, as a bracelet in direct contact with the skin.
It all depends on the use for which it has been prescribed. Usually you will have been provided with the accompanying instructions.
Some Buddhist amulets are to be activated by a designated practice. Their buyers are generally aware of the matter for they are already experienced practitioners.
This object will act on and in conjunction with your levels of consciousness, so it is recommended not to lend it and to keep it away from prying eyes.

Amulets: objects and stones
€ 30
The amulets that I offer here are made to requirements and in addition to the readings or packs previously taken. The supports may vary:
semi-precious stone
sacred seeds
They then become the support of the process necessary to sustain your activity or dharma. Indeed, they are a helping device to limit or ward off obstacles and karmic manifestations and to bring forth activation of positive karmas and sattvic qualities (positive, high).
Their goal is to facilitate transformation and integration processes at your own pace whilst stimulating a positive pattern. They help overcome mental and energy swings bearing pressures on the subtle structure in times of transition.

Threads and strings
€ 10
Worn on the wrist, around the neck, at the ankle, they gradually distribute their energy pattern to their wearer. The threads offered here originate from the medical, yogic and shamanic Bönpo tradition (mantra practitionners in northern Tibet).
Some of them help balance the humors/dosa or their circulation in the physical and subtle bodies, others imprint a healthy pattern to an organ, others still will work through transmuting karmic imprints.
The patients that have benefited from them very often report a subtle change in their circumstances and state of being. Most of the time they even forgot their problem!
female balance
living space protection
stress, psychological shocks
burn out
harassment situations
transition time