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A propos
Green Tara - the embodiment of active lo

Freeing the Path

I have always been convinced that this life of suffering and difficulty could not be our sole truth as human beings. Carried by an invisible and powerful force, I searched very early for the path to true Happiness. I felt that my role would be to participate in the liberation and realization of sentient beings.

Empath and medium I did not understand the false pretenses and veils affixed to our sensitive reality. The pursuit of my career and the various teachings undertaken offered the support for this understanding and a way of expression for my practice.

My belief: helping people find their true selves, restore their integrity and become their best ally. My dharma: opening fields of consciousness to facilitate healing and access to one's fulfillment of life. This is what I strive for every day in my practice as a psychobodywork therapist and through this site.

I am constantly in search of what attunes the most to my inner tuning fork. I do not claim to hold the Truth but I am sharing my vision at the crossroads of several traditions, my expertise and the skills acquired during this life.

Françoise Caron

Born in a familly working in the medical field on one hand and jewlery and clockery in the other, I quickly turned to art as a survival and expression mode. Torn between these two universes, I would certainly not choose either of them! However, it is by choosing the side ways that I did incarnate their synthesis.

I remember my father's workshop and all the precious little boxes filled with tiny bolts and bobs, screws and clock mechanisms that under his wise metal surgeon supervision, he was delicately inserting in complex tiny precise structures. And presto! there, his witchcraft was operating. This unlikely umbroglio was giving birth to movement, something reminding me of the pulsation of life...

It's probably this same fascination that lead me to try to grasp the workings of internal body mechanics, the balance and imbalance processes from health to disease, the means to rejuvenate and escape from suffering. As if everything was part of a greater structure invisible to the eye and that getting its secret would be the way out. Because from an early start, disease, suffering and death were part of my daily life. Remote and disempowered witness, I was watching the unfair display of disease, the damage to familly lives and the taring apart in death. This could not be life!? It didn't felt right, like a bad movie...

My decision was taken, I would write my life story and it would be about freedom, a path leading the way for who would want to follow. For sure, it would be an exploration through the body. An invisible thread was pulling me forward and I would draw resources and clearsight from above when my environment was only fog and chaos and giving way below my feet. Since my early teens I knew I would be a therapist, I had the inner knowing of the shape of my upcoming work without any clear idea of the means to give it birth.


Of course, the path was difficult, as for many of the benevolent souls who have decided to incarnate during these times of upheavels. We've had to undergo tough training in a reduced time span and to navigate blindfolded with our sole inner compass to rely on. This quest has given birth to the practice I am offering you today which finds its full value and expansion in light of the global upside downs we are currenlty facing.



Green Tara - the embodiment of active lo

Your consultant


1988-1994 School of fine art Rouen: psychobody exploration, installations, mixts TK

expressive work around body, disease, death, inward exploration and veils of time

contemporary dance


1994 Research in stone healing

1994 -1997 Tera-Mai reiki mastership. Kathleen milner

shiatsu, qi quong, Tai chi, hatha yoga and dream yoga courses

initiation in Tibetan medicine

1996 Swedish massage diploma, anatomy, physiology ITEC


1999-2000 spa/ health practitioner certificate. Thalatherm

2000 Initiation to Body Mind Centering principles

2008 baby massage instructor, IAFMB

2011 Pregnancy massage, hot stones

2012 Becoming the Human Crystal Naisha Ashian

2015 Floral elixirs Guillaume Buissart Deva instructor

2017 Akashic knowing Lisa Barnett

2021 Rooted medicine circle: western herbalism, Rosalee de La Forêt and Emily Han

Sowa rigpa / tibetan medicine

IATTM training, Dr Nida Chenatsang 2013-2016

  • Ku Nye and external therapies

  • MTT cycle (traditional Tibetan medicine)

  • Sa che, Tibetan geomancy

  • Hooking the Lha ceremony

  • Chudlen: rejuvenation

  • Vajra body (subtle anatomy)

  • mantra and spiritual healing

  • Yuthok Nyingthig: Spiritual Practices of the Medical Lineage

TME training, Dr Arya Pasang

Amshi cycle 2017- 2020

TME Tibetan Medicine Cycle

Luejong initiation (Tibetan yoga)

Kachupa cycle

2020 - 2021 Tibetan Psychiatry

2021 Traditional Tibetan Gynecology

Tibetan Pharmacology Cycle, Dr Arbuzov 2021

Tibetan astro jungsti cycle 2021


2018- 2020 Consultant training in Ayurveda. ifya

2020- 2021 Jyotish: Vedic Astrology dr David Frawley








Generate balance and autonomy

becoming actor and author of ones life

Prevention and Education

giving the tools for natural and sustainable health

continuous research and training

Opening new avenues for progress

relationship patterns and life choices

Freeing movement and space

regain dynamics and fluidity of body and mind

Law of Interdependence

the person, their home, their relationships, their work, their environment


interface between other healing modalities and health practitioners



Notice of compliance:

"When peacocks pass through forests of virulent poison,

despite the attraction of medicinal plant gardens,

they pass by without caring

because they feed on the sap of virulent poisons

When heroes enter the forests of passionate existence,

despite the attraction of pleasure and pleasure gardens,

they don't get attached to it,

because the heroes of awakening feed on the forests of suffering

Those who take pleasure and pleasure to heart,

see themselves propelled into suffering by their own cunning;

while the hero of awakening takes suffering to heart,

and always act with courage

here material desires are like the forest of virulent poisons

that only the hero of awakening such as the peacock, can digest

while the cunning, like the crow, succumbs to it

could those whose desires relate only to themselves endure them?

applying the same example to all the other passions

they are a threat to liberation like poison to the crow

The hero of awakening, similar to the peacock

transforms passions, like a forest of virulent poisons

in vital sap and thus engages in the forest of the existence of the passions;

it is in the affront that he will destroy the poisons "

extract of "the cutting wheel of the universal vehicle"

Atisha Dipamkara Srijnana


Text explanation

Because I found a growing trend of predatory behaviour among some existing therapists and therapists to be in the recent years:

  • self development is a path, a commitment, a daily dedication. It's not a trick nor a technique nor a hobby.

  • people who have embarked on this path do so by vocation. Their life path and souls are calibrated for this purpose.

  • This is a sacred dimension, destined for a purpose higher than mere ego satisfaction and personal ambition.

  • Don't confuse inspiration with opportunism.

Please respect:

  • the vehicle and channel I embody.

  • training time and upstream work for the development of this healing modality.

Each way is honorable:

  • Honor your journey and the uniqueness you embody.

  • Everyone has an equally important role to play. A missing link and the mechanism is faulty.

  • Do not try to put on other people's shoes. There is no shortcut to developing gifts and abilities.

  • Cultivate your own treasures waiting to be discovered and refined.


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Francoise Caron
6 route de Bel air
23290 FURSAC

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