Over the years in my work as a therapist I have encountered deeply rooted issues within clients, their surrounding or living space, therefore I've developped over time a practice combining both my experience, the Tibetan tradition (both medical and spiritual) with more modern tools related to the energetic dimensions of the Ascension process.
A problem is more than often the crystallization of several causes feeding each other and the solution can rarely be straightforward. Thus, the packs are a compilation of a series of remote interventions on a selected theme allowing targeted action through complementary modalities.
Through gradual and cumulative proceedures, the results of these interventions on the various aspects and dimensions concerned are more radical, profound and the changes all the more significant.
These are the different themes concerned:
What is a pack?
For great ills, great remedies

How to choose?
If you need to understand: a live reading allows quicker insight and targeted support. It provides context, explanations and advice to take charge of your life.
If your problem is identified: the pack is the way to achieve radical progress. You will not benefit from a report, but some advice may be sent to you by email. However, "ah ah" moments will not fail to make themselves known like magic. It can be a good supplement after a reading.
Duo: packs and readings can be combined for optimized results. For example: 1 remote + 1 live readings or 1 live reading + 1 pack or 2 packs (discount on prices). Eg:
breaking through obstacles + protection
rejuvenation + ascension
relationships + lineage, ancestors.
(A different rule is applied for the duos including the following packs: ascension, Land and living spaces, relationships. Ask for a discount by email prior to your purchase).
Making the right choice
As you read the different sections you will find that many of the symptoms are similar. However, their causes may be of a different nature. To clarify your problem and therefore initiate the most appropriate tactic, first exchange by email explaining your situation and I will guide you.
However, a pack is not a "trick" to solve your problem once and for all. It acts as a boost to generate positive breakthroughs and progress along the path. It does not take in charge your personnal work but allows for the collaboration of subtle aspects possibly difficult to access through a momentarily hindered consciousness.
These are not standard protocols, as each pack is retailored to your individual needs and issues. They act as invisible companions to help you embody responsibility and autonomy.
The little extra
Following the reading, you may benefit from a thread or an amulet related to the chosen theme, made according to your needs. It will act as a passing witness, imbued with the work carried out remotely, for ongoing broadcasting.
"Miracles happen on a daily basis, some are immediate, the others simply take longer to make themselves known."
What must be adjusted is your view on the phenomena of your life.

Breaking through obstacles
€ 375
According to the Buddhist tradition, obstacles are of several nature:
external: proceed from the environment, from the phenomena of manifestation
internal: proceed from the body and the psyche (mental poisons)
secrets: proceed from the subconscious mind and karma
They take root in these various levels of expansion of consciousness separated by filters and yet intertwinned.
They influence, permeate each other without our knowing, delivering sparks of bliss at best time. Alas more generally, our mental poisons pour out like oozing or toxic rain on our minds and experiences.
Agregates of unrefined experiences from our present and past lives, our genealogy, family or collective karma ... rise and express themselves in unexpected ways in our psyche, dreams, emotions but also in ways of all kinds of external obstacles in all aspects of our life: love, family, work, money, ...
This pack helps to clear the way, diffuse some of these obstacles or even destroy them when their purpose is obsolete. If they are to remain for your growth, it creates the space you need for catching your breath and find the necessary time for reflection and discrimination.

€ 375
Periods of great transformation, long illness or hardship can damage or shift subtle bodies creating feelings of insecurity and intrusion. They result in sensations like:
feeling energetically drained and chronicly fatigued
feeling torn by invisible forces
deep insecurity, feeling on the edge, stepping on toes
having difficulty finding inner calm and restoring lost energy
physical and emotional vulnerability, sense of weakness
loneliness, separation, isolation
This pack is designed to help you repair, calibrate your energy network, your "protective armor". By restoring your inner refuge, peace of mind and reconnection to your essence take place.
It clarifies, restores and strengthens the link to your inner guidance, your intuition, but also to the network of beings / forces that guard and protect your path.
A shower of blessings and lights will bring you comfort and renewal, a feeling of being sustained by the universal matrix.

Land and living spaces
€ 475
Some places are very loaded by the remains of History. Whether imprited in the ground from a distant past or imbued in the walls of a building from a more recent period, it carries on diffusing itself into the daily lives of the residents.
The earth is also covered by a network of lay lines and vortexes (similar to an acupuncture map for the human body) through which cosmic and telluric forces transit. Some of these points can be disturbed generating distorted fields harmful to health.
These conditions can bring their lot of imbalances and blockages altering the daily lives of the occupants. It is not uncommon to see:
problems in crops or livestock (losses, diseases, parasitic infestations such as fungi, insects, etc.)
trouble sleeping, restless dreams
health problems, chronic fatigue
phenomena of anxiety, unexplained fears
household appliances that break down one after the other
leaks, floods, breakdowns, financial losses, separations, ...
sale or buys of these properties or assets blocked
These disturbances can have various and sometimes very ancient causes. In order to be effective on the long run, it is therefore necessary to proceed on various levels to avoid the return of such phenomena.
Karmic clearing, telluric corrections and Sache (Tibetan geomancy) restore and reestablish the original positive patterns.
If practical changes need to be made, advice will be emailed to you.

€ 425
This is the most requested pack. No wonder, since our relationships weaves the very fabric of our destiny, living web of our existence, guiding many of our choices, setbacks and successes.
Some of these ties, root cause of tensions, always seem to bring us back to the same point, like magnetic knots.
Crystallized by our raw emotions and feelings (shame, guilt, hatred, jealousy, fear) they give rise to repetitive behavior patterns experienced as automatic programs.
They amplify over time upto the point of breaking, living a tear in the web of destiny leading to withdrawal, sense of isolation either real or felt and a feeling of outcast that nothing can relieve.
Whether in the professional, private, friends, romantic or family field, these patterns repeat themselves from one domain through to the other, blind to the partitions placed by our mind on the organization of our life. Being either:
breach of trust
Either endured or played out, they constantly challenge our consciousness to be identifed and transformed, to at last, live in the present.
The pack acts as a reset of the counters, at least for a time, to dissipate misunderstandings, re-engage dialogue and peaceful communication and restore trust. Recasting roles, places and responsibilities clears blockages or even puts an end to toxic and manipulative relationships.
If you wish to understand the stakes of these relationships do consider to take a direct or remote reading.

Lineage, ancestors
€ 375
Several lineages can run in parallel streams during the same incarnation and have difficulty coexisting. Their different agendas may cause tensions at the psychic level between individual aspirations and family loyalty conflicts giving rise to existential crises, hidden underlying self-sabotage patterns or even all kind of physical disease or imbalances.
Family lineage: Legacy from the previous generations and their transmission via epigenetics: inherited gifts, family tradition but also unresolved accumulated karmas, transgenerational memories, taboos, family secrets, subconscious programming, family trauma whose projected shadow hinders the expression of life acting as a "curse".
Soul lineage: corresponds to the energy signature of the being, that is to say its subtle architecture. At the soul level it corresponds to its imprint from its original birth and its various learnings through the different incarnations or missions. Like inborn aptitudes without hereditary characteristics such as "spontaneous" knowing, gifts foreign to a family tradition and the fast track learning of "new" skills.
Soul missions can turn out to be real challenges in modifying debilitating family patterns or bringing about upgrades of consciousness on a collective level. Indeed its reason to be exceeds the conventions and mental constructs linked to the incarnation in this three-dimensional reality.
This pack helps to create bridges and regulate the flow between these two streams, to prune obsolete and hindering programms in the past genealogy and for that to come.

€ 375
Rejuvenation treatments are a necessary remedy when body and mind have been subjected to severe strain and suffered weakening energy losses, difficult to restore. This can happen as a result of:
emotional and physical trauma
surgery procedures
long illness, convalescence
professional or personal burnout
toxic, controling, stalking, vampiric relationships
accidents, falls
radiation and environmental pollution
These energy losses can be contemporary but may also have taken place during other lifetimes causing a feeling of emptiness, weakness or lack, like a phantom limb.
Inspired by the healing and spiritual practices from Tibetan and Ayurvedic traditions, this pack strengthens the energy envelope securing communication and consistency of physical and subtle bodies. It boosts the life force and immunity creating a feeling of renewal, strength and integrity.
Food supplements or practices to enhance the effects of the treatment will be advised to you if necessary.

Unfolding your potential
€ 375
Your deeper aspirations, the ones that make your heart sing are your soul's expression, your "raison d'être" in this world, but karma, contextual constraints or limitations in the psyche (self-censorship, self-sabotage), act as filters, invisible fences blocking access to your creative resources.
Connect with your inner child, this king of the world for whom nothing is impossible. Cumulate the immaculate power of imagination to your manifestation experience.
This pack allows you to:
release debilitating emotions like fear, guilt, grief, shame, anger
build confidence, faith and character to dare to embark on the path
rediscover the dimension of dreams and awaken the creative flame
break free from conflicting belief systems
find autonomy and the ability to bounce back
awaken the skills of the past and dormant gifts
open up possible avenues of self development
restore access to necessary opportunities and resources
Aligning to the law of universal harmony helps you find your place in the world, shine out from your whole being, and carry out the projects that are meaningful to you, bringing joy, growth and wholeness to your life.

Ascension pack
€ 480
The Ascension process is our return to our true nature, before the Separation. Higher and higher frequencies are actually activating the original structures, our potentials laying asleep in our subtle architecture. They force our bodies and consciousness to align in speedrecord time in order to channel, accumulate and integrate them.
The coarser aspects are flushed out and forced to surface in order to be transformed. These cathartic purges sometimes result in strong physical or emotional symptoms with no clear diagnosis:
This pack is aimed at your energy architecture for its harmonizing during this process to secure rightful connexions, a more fluid integration and an unfolding path according to your soul lineage. It participates in:
developing and refining your inner tuning fork, sharpening your discrimination
relieving ascension symptoms
eliminating interference and false information
identifying your lineage and soul mission
awakening and connecting the seed codes in your DNA
"downloading" energy updates
facilitating the integration of light information
protecting you during the delicate phases of transition