The right decision for the right action
The work you are about to embark on is based on a commitment from your side. Part of this commitment is financial as for any kind of therapeutic approach to be efficient needs involvement and aknowlegdment from the self.
The ultimate goal is to facilitate the way to self reliance and accomplishment. The results and actions are not merely restricted to the time of the session but lead to new possibilities and untanglement on the long run. Some of your purchase might involve processes running through several weeks or months (packs for instance). Thus you need to understand that you are not bying a classical "spiritual" good but a travelling ticket for your coming back to self integity and unity.
Payments by installments are available so it does not put strain on your daily expenses. Simply ask for it in your information email or choose to pay in 4 installments by proceeding through your paypal account.
Before engaging, you can exchange by email francoise@cintacakra.com on your particular situation so I can point you in the right direction.