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Beginning your journey with a remote reading will allow:

  • to acclimate yourself to this healing modality.
  • to clear stubborn heavy patterns
  • to train your structure to better assimilate higher frequencies.
  • to gain data and unsuspected levels of insight to prioritise questions needing to be addressed.

The written report is an energetic healing in itself renewed at each reading. The informations delivered during the live session are all the more clear, flowing and the work able to address multiple layers simultaneously and generate faster results on the manifestation level.

1remote + 1live readings


© 2021 created by Françoise Caron

Hosted by TIPI portage siret N: 48012683800022

Conformément aux articles L.616-1 et R. 616-1 du code de la consommation condernant le règlement amiable des litiges, j'adhère au service de médiation, CNPM- MEDIATION DE LA CONSOMMATION. En cas de lititge, vous pouvez déposer vorte réclamation sur son site:

ou par voie postale en écrivant à: 


23 rue TERRENOIRE 42100 Saint Etienne

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